Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ordained. Baptist. Dancer. Feminist.

Suffice it to say that these titles carry their fair share of stereo-typing and preconceived notions. If you ask the average American to visualize the typical ordained Baptist minister, I would assume that a professional dancer and feminist in her twenties would not immediately come to mind. In fact, the very notion of any female serving as an ordained Baptist minister raises enough eyebrows. One of the reasons for this misconception is due to the broad spectrum of beliefs and ideologies that fall under the Baptist umbrella.

I am a minister committed to the core Baptist principles like separation of church and state, the autonomy of the local church, freedom of conscience, and the priesthood of all believers who also identifies myself as liberal and feminist. At the same time I have Baptist sisters and brothers who are five point Calvinists that believe the bible is inerrant and that women are not qualified for ordination. Clearly we disagree on many issues. Amidst these divergent belief systems and ideologies, we all seek to follow the example of Christ. I see this example as one that calls for justice in an unjust world and peace rather than war. Others see Jesus’ example as one that calls for evangelism and following a litmus test of beliefs.

Along this continuum of disparate Baptist beliefs, Jimmy Carter, Bill Underwood and others have organized the Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant that will meet in Atlanta in January, 2008. It is at this time that Baptists representing a variety viewpoints will gather to see if we can seek unity amidst diversity. The hot button issues can be divisive: global warming, the ordination of women and persons in the LGBTQ community, politics, war, and racism. It is lucid that we cannot agree on all of these issues, but will we seek to “let the oppressed go free, to proclaim release to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind,” and to endeavor to bring about God’s peace and justice here on earth?


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere, fellow Baptist. I'm always glad to see more feminist theologians online. Your blog looks promising.

texasinafrica said...

Welcome, Angela! Glad to see that you'll be blogging on these important issues!

(Thanks for the link!)

Angela said...

Welcome, Angela!! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Michael Ruffin said...

Well said, Angela. I look forward to reading more from you in days to come.

I appreciate the link to my blog.


Baptist Truth said...

For important information, see:

Baptist Truth said...

Dear Angela, I support anyone in ministry, man or woman. It is sad that Mercer formed you to deny the teachings of Scripture in regard to sexuality. For a complete picture on the Baptist Covenant, visit this website:
Al (not Mohler!)

Anonymous said...

Rev Yarber:
Little of an esoteric here, but as you become a poster child for your sex and generation in the Baptist tradition, I hope you will consider Charles Marsh's new book in light of Randall Balmer's Thy Kingdom Come. The two will help you add depth and substance as you pilgrim to incarnate the best of the Baptist prophetic tradition walking the line of church state.
Marsh in particular has opened up the underbelly of EY Mullins concept of priesthood of the believer as it played out in 60's Mississippi with Doug Hudgins; and now, many believe, Al Mohler.
If you can help me and B Diddy Weave get the likes of the pastor of FBC Decatur sharp on these matters; then I think Clinton and Carter and President Underwood will sit up and take notice for sure when Covenant gathers Jan in Atlanta.
Blessings on you and the Dance

Angela said...

Regarding Mercer "forming me to deny to teachings of scripture regarding homosexuality"...hhmmm what to say to such a comment???
First, the role of any educator or academy is to train persons to THINK, so if Mercer taught me to think and I chose to use my mind to read an interpret scripture, then I applaud Mercer and the faculty that serve there.
I learned a lot of different beliefs regarding sexuality and the authority of scripture while at McAfee School of Theology (Mercer). Some of the things I learned were advocated by faculty, some by other scholars, some by students in my classes. But, as I mentioned before, the role of any educator is to teach individuals to THINK, so I am quite sure that NONE of my professor ever told me what to believe regarding what scripture says about homosexuality. There are some faculty who disagree with my views regarding the affirmation of LGBTQ ordination or marriage and there are some that agree with me.
And finally, I find scripture quite important--important enough, in fact, to dedicate much of my life, ministry and scholarship to learning more about it--but I have never discovered scripture to be unambiguous on the issue of homosexuality. And so, perhaps I will no longer affirm my dear friends and ministers in the LGBTQ community in order to "follow" scripture when you decide to "follow" scripture and stop wearing mixed fabrics and eating shrimp. Until then, it's pad thai with prawns for me:)

Anonymous said...

Your writing is persuasive, lucid, and influential. I enjoyed reading it. Maybe I'll return to my Baptist roots.

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